Agree to Disagree October 28, 2015 by Tracey It’s important to remember responding to unwanted advise can be just as important as what you say or don’t say to irrelevant advice. Supportive & Personal Midwifery
Housework October 22, 2015 by Tracey Combine baby care with housework by wearing your precious baby in a sling
Breastfeeding October 18, 2015 by Tracey Listen to your baby, Listen and trust your heart and the connection between you.
Breastfeeding3-6 months October 16, 2015 by Tracey 3-5 hourly feeding, approximately 5 feeds per day. Introduction of solids at 6 months, offer the breast before solids. Supportive & Personal Midwifery
A Relaxation Bath October 14, 2015 by Tracey Giving your baby a relaxation bath will often soothe a tense, crying baby. Take your baby back to their watery world.
Listen, watch, follow October 10, 2015 by Tracey If you follow your baby’s lead, your milk supply will catch up with your baby’s increased demand. It’s important to remember supply=demand.
3-6 months October 8, 2015 by Tracey Average sleep 8-10 hours at night, wakeful during the day and 2 day sleeps.
Newborn weight gains October 4, 2015 by Tracey Newborn babies regain their birth weight by 10-14 day s.