Current guidelines recommend introducing solids around 6 months and with continued breastfeeding, both provide your bub with all their dietary requirements.
Bonding With Your Baby
Your baby’s emotional wellbeing is much more important in the first 12 weeks than establishing a defined routine.
The nurtured approach – when your baby wakes and cries, you respond. If she is hungry you feed her, if she has a dirty nappy you change it.
A routine for a baby under 11 weeks is about responding, not ignoring. Cuddles, closeness and love.
Contact your Coastal Midwives team on the Gold Coast today.
Alcohol consumption during pregnancy
Skin to skin
Birthing with a trusted midwife
Engaging with a trusted Midwife will help you to be prepared for your birth journey. Coastal Midwives & Lactation offers a range of care options for women centered care. Our expert team is based on the Gold Coast, servicing the Northern River region.
Call us today for a bulk billed appointment to discuss birthing and care options for you.
– Tracey
Wrapping Your Baby
I am often asked about wrapping and told that my bub doesn’t like it – this is why it’s important to persist with it. Especially in the early days with settling.
A variety of baby wrapping techniques appropriate to the baby’s developmental age can be used based on the principles of safe wrapping.
For example, a younger baby (less than 3 months) may have their arms included in the wrap to reduce the effects of the moro or ‘startle’ reflex; whilst an older baby (more than 3 months) may have their lower body wrapped with their arms free, to allow the baby access to their hands and fingers which promotes self soothing behavior, while still reducing the risk of the baby turning to the tummy position. the moro or ‘startle’ reflex should have disappeared by the time the baby is 4-5 months of age.
Our experienced team of Gold Coast Midwives are more than happy to assist with information for all of our new mums. Contact us today.
– Tracey
Developmental Milestones
- Watch own hand movements
- Hold a rattle
- Focuses in all all directions easily
- Vocalizes when spoken to
- Coos and smiles easily
- Follows moving person
- Pleasurable response to familiar situations like bathing

After Birth Care
Midwife means ‘with woman’

It is possible to become pregnant quite soon after birth, even if you are breastfeeding, discuss contraception with your midwife before your six week check.
– Tracey
Lactation Cookie Recipe
1 cup butter (you can substitute with organic coconut oil)
1½ cups firmly packed brown sugar
4 tablespoons water
2 tablespoons flaxseed (linseed) meal
2 large eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla (optional)
2 cups plain flour (try substituting with some or all coconut flour)
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
3 cups oats
1 cup (or more) chocolate chips/sultanas/walnuts/almonds/macadamia nuts (optional)
2–4 tablespoons brewer’s yeast (this is the magic ingredient and is not to be confused with bakers or any other type of yeast).
1. Pre-heat oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Mix the flaxseed meal and water together and leave for three to five minutes.
2. Cream butter and sugar together until pale and creamy. Add eggs, one at a time, and mix well.
3. Add flaxseed and water mixture, with vanilla, and mix well.
4. Sift dry ingredients together, except oats and chocolate chips. Add sifted ingredients to butter mixture and combine. Stir in oats and chocolate chips/nuts.
5. Scoop and drop dessertspoon size rounds onto a greased and lined baking tray. Mixture will be a little crumbly.
6. Bake in pre-heated oven for about 8–12 minutes depending on the size of your cookies.
Eat and enjoy—guilt free, of course!
This recipe makes between five and seven dozen cookies.